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While law enforcement and military personnel are our frontlines for combat, our emergency services and civilians need protection as well for a wide range of occupations. With rising civil unrest in the world, various industry workers including mail carriers, teachers, bank clerks, church leaders, jewelry store clerks, convenience store clerks, and private security personnel need additional protection.
A major key to civilian bulletproof protection is being covert. If a potential attacker can see that an individual is wearing a vest, they will aim for something that isn’t protected. That’s where concealable bulletproof vests have the advantage. They are more easily worn under your everyday apparel without attention drawn to the fact that body armor is being worn.
If you want to be protected as you work each day, there are some factors you should consider. Whatever vest you buy should be comfortable, compliment your occupation and be concealable. Citizen Armor proudly offers the V-Shield concealable bulletproof vest.
Any civilian is legally allowed to own and wear body armor, with the exception of convicted felons. There are certain occupations that do tend to experience higher rates of assaults and should be protected by quality bulletproof vests. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has stated that over 80% of all workplace homicides involve firearms.
The CDC has stated that there are approximately 2,000 EMS professionals injured each year by violent assaults. In fact, EMS personnel experience lost workdays due to violence 22 times more than the national average.
A staggering 75% of all assaults happen to workers in the healthcare industry. While this includes EMS personnel, they are not the only professionals at risk. Staff in emergency rooms, hospitals, and private care facilities are prone to higher rates of assaults. This statistic also covers mental health workers who are attacked on average about 1,700 times per year.
Mail carriers have more to worry about than slipping on ice, dog bites, and sunburn. The USPS has stated that in 2019 their Postal Inspectors investigated 576 reported threats and assaults against postal workers.
From commercial banks and credit unions to armored carriers those that handle money are at risk for assault. In 2018 the FBI has stated that there were 3,033 crimes committed in these types of work environments.
According to research performed by the US Department of Justice 184 out of 1,000 taxi drivers were victims of violence during a 5-year study of the most dangerous occupations. Picking up strangers for a living while alone in a car is, by no surprise, the 3rd most dangerous occupation.
Over 3,000 gas station attendants are attacked each year. This is the reason their booths are typically made from bulletproof building materials. Such as ballistic glass and wall panels.
Unfortunately, the Simpsons tell an all too true tale of convenience store assaults and robberies. Well over 12,000 clerks are the victims of assault each year.
In the same study performed by the US Department of Justice, it was found that over 5,000 bartenders had been the victims of a violent assault per year.
From elementary and high school teachers to college instructors and special education teachers, there is risk. Thousands of teachers are attacked each year. This is most common for junior high, special education, and high school teachers.
No matter what occupation you’re in, violence can happen. Lightweight yet quality bulletproof vests are an easy and affordable way to provide yourself, your family, and even your employees the peace of mind they deserve.
Citizen Armor proudly offers the highest quality bulletproof vests available. We license our ballistic vest technology from the military armor manufacturer ATEK Defense Systems. This allows us to use the higher performance technology of Protek graphene armor. This means you have the same NIJ Level 3A protection, with less than half the weight! Browse our body armor lineup today.
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